Deep in the heart of the rich California Central Valley grows the majority of all the almonds in the world. We select a special variety from the hundreds available to make premium Americona Sprouted Almonds. Our advanced proprietary "sprouting" process takes a hundred times longer than regular roasting to produce almonds that are totally unique and wonderfully delicious. Our "activating" process guarantees peak nutrition, a crisp, delicious taste, and easy digestion. Americona Sprouted Almonds are one of a kind, flavorful, and ultra-nutritious. They are processed only in 100% pure olive oil and optionally seasoned with sea salt. You will find Americona Sprouted Almonds a healthy and special treat.
Affordable California Sprouted Almonds at the peak of their nutritional value. Made only with California Almonds.
Our delicious flavor, appearance, and crunch keep customers coming back for more. Our superior nutritional value and digestibility set us apart.
Americona Sprouted Almonds provide the nutrients your body craves. Our proprietary sprouting process makes the almonds’ healthy proteins, omega oils, soluble fibers, vitamins, and minerals more readily available to your body. Think of it this way: a regular raw almond is in a dormant state, doing all it can to protect itself until nature sets it up for germination. Have you ever thought about what a seed really is? Underneath its husk, that small darling contains all of the nutrients it needs to initiate the rapid cell division and biochemical processes required to make a plant. That’s impressive! In their dried “seed” state, the majority of these micro- and macronutrients are stored away, just biding their time in dormancy. It’s the germination process – “sprouting” – that triggers a quick transformation whereby all of the vitamins, minerals, proteins, and essential fatty acids begin to multiply. And multiply. And multiply.
Most people consume seeds (nuts, grains, legumes) that are in a hibernation phase – either raw or cooked – when their nutrients are locked up tight by deactivators such as phytic acid and other enzyme inhibitors. These dormant seeds are more difficult to digest and can block nutrient absorption and uptake. To maximize the nourishing potential of seeds, we need to unlock them with a simple and commonsense key: give them life. Allow them to grow, and they will repay you in spades.
A longtime favorite for many cultures around the world, “activated” almonds are considered "brain food." They are more digestible and more nutritious than natural or roasted almonds.
Raw almonds contain certain phytochemicals that prevent your body from receiving the full benefit of the nutrients that almonds contain.
Our proprietary activation process deactivates the enzyme inhibitors and brings the nut to life. Once the almonds have germinated (sprouted), they are dried at low temperatures (40 degrees) over a 24-hour period. Sprouted almonds have a similar flavor and texture to roasted almonds.
According to Lisa Yates, nutritionist with Nuts for Life, “Activation is like sprouting of grains (wheat or barley grass) or sprouting of seeds (mung bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts). It converts some of the starch to simpler sugars, converts some of the protein as the emerging seed is breaking these down for fuel for its new growth.”
Almonds provide 28 essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, fiber, and protein. At the top of the list is the natural antioxidant Vitamin E, as well as good amounts of fiber, protein, B vitamins, and minerals. Almonds are also a fantastic source of calcium.
Americona Almonds don't just taste great, they are packed with nutitional value.
"Phytic acid can block the absorption of minerals by binding to them. It is an issue as almonds become a dietary staple. Nut butters and flours should also be taken into account.” – Nutritionist Jackie Lynch / UK Daily Mail, May 3, 2015"
Nutrient profile - 1 small hand full of almonds (28g) -- Nutrients are enhanced by sprouting.
Four flavors. Amazing taste and nutrition!
Affordable California Sprouted Almonds at the peak of their nutritional value.
We have been in the Natural Food business since 1972. Our goal is to deliver unparalleled customer service and a growing portfolio of products at the most competitive price levels. Our team of professionals has worked closely with Almond growers, roasters, distributors and wholesalers around the world. With our breadth of experience and established distribution channels we are able to offer the individual buyer the most select nuts available in the market today. Americona Almonds are a premium brand of almonds grown exclusively in California. With a unique method of processing we are able to deliver a "Signature" flavor that is simply delicious. We know you will enjoy the great taste and generous list of health benefits that almonds provide!